

  About the Role of North- and Baltic Sea during
Winter 2013/14 and human impact!

Started on 03 January 2014, and will be continued.

→→→ Part 2: 06 January 2014 ;  Part 3 (12. Jan.2014)
'Part 4 (20.Jan14) ; 
Part 5 (30. Jan.14), Part 6 (9.Feb.14) ,
Part 7 (22.Feb.14)


Part 1: Mild December 2013 caused by off-shore wind farms and human activities in North- and Baltic Sea ?
Will winter 2013/14 show an anthropogenic impact?

03 January 2014 (seatraining2007_1412a)  

Add 1: Hot November 2013 – WHY?  →→→ GO

 1st Part (03 Jan.2014)

Our weather in Europe is dominated by ocean conditions across the North Atlantic, but a significant contribution is provided by all coastal sea areas from Cap Finisterre to North Cape . Particularly semi-enclosed seas as the North- and Baltic Sea have a huge impact on moderate winters in Northern Europe . (Fig.1, left) shows the temperature trend in North America during the first week in 2014, and what an important impact the Great Lake region has.  

EXTRACT from wikipeadia: “The lakes themselves also have a moderating impact on the climate, they can also increase precipitation totals and produce lake-effect snowfall. Lake effect The most well known winter effect of the Great Lakes on weather there is the lake effect, sometimes very localized. Even late in winter lakes often have no icepack in the middle.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes 

North Europe just finished a very mild December 2013, but science has no clue why! We suspect a considerable contribution by man, for example shipping, and more recently off-shore wind farms. Over the next three winter months, we will discuss the matter along with observed weather conditions in detail.

 For the start the sea water conditions on three days in December 2013 are reproduced, indication a temperature level well above average!

Fig. 2, 01 December 2013

Fig. 3, 15 December 2013

Fig. 4, 31 December 2013

 Meanwhile more than 500 wind turbines are operating in the North Sea (Details: wiki), grounded at a depth below sea surface of up to thirty metres, and a diameter of several meters. They are all  located in waters with permanent tides.  Thus they have a huge mixing effect within the water column, and an impact on surface water temperature and salinity structure. Is the impact similar as the wind turbines may have on cloud forming, as indicated in Fig. 5.



Fig. 5, to which NASA comments (extract):  
    “This photo fascinates NOAA wind researcher Bob Banta, a scientist at the Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder , Colorado . He and other colleagues who study winds in the lower atmosphere use the picture in PowerPoint talks, scribbling colored lines and squiggles on it to speculate about what is happening where, and why. “  


 Toward the end of the year more warm water is pushed to the surface. It seems high time to get clarity, whether off-shore wind farms and other human activities in the marine environment have contributed to mild December 2013 Fig. 2-4).

→→→ Part 2: 06 January 2014


Add 1:  Hot November 2013 – WHY?
Posted 11. January 2014

November 2013  (to enlarge click on link)




Discussed at: Notrickzone 11/Nov/2014

cont: see below




Why did NASA not ask: Why so much heat surplus in Russia ?

During November the influence of the sun is remote across Russia , or not existing in northern Russia ! There is nothing to generate high temperatures regional, which must come from somewhere else. As a rule it comes from the West, from North Atlantic, after crossing North- and Baltic Sea, as well the Barents Sea , were the Sea temperatures were well above normal.

Once this aspect is settled, Nasa should have asked: Why above normal SST?

Fig. 8 & 11, 04 Nov.2013

Fig. 9 & 12, 16 Nov.2013

Fig. 10 & 13, 25 Nov.2013